Gramin Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Principal's Desk

Principal of Gramin Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Dr. Subhag Jakhar


“You educate a man; you educate a man,
You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”

-Brigham Young

Women empowerment is essential for creating an equal and enriched society and education is a powerful instrument to achieve this objective. Gramin Mahila Mahavidhalaya started its journey towards this objective in 2003, with the motto “Empowerment of women to inculcate self confidence in GMSS students to fight against Social Evils.” and has since committed to provide quality education to the girls in various courses.

Education is a harmonious and synchronized combination of hand, head and heart .This combination of skill, value and intellectual power nurtures the young minds with indelible impressions of holistic development. The college committed to imparting academic excellence, human value and professional competence to its students through its dedicated and committed faculty members.

The college offers various UG and PG programs and it is well equipped with the resourceful library, gymnasium, yoga and sports facilities.  We try to serve our students in the best possible way.

The college offers number of  certified courses (RKCL, VMOU) and arranges a number of seminars, lectures and workshops. Students are instilled with a sense of social responsibility through their participations in NCC / NSS activities and celebration of different days.  Their artistic , creative and cognitive talents are showcased through different cultural programs, quiz competitions, debates etc. The college provides students extra coaching and carrier counseling classes.

It is a matter of great pride that our students consistently perform well, win accolades and shine in their carrier.  The zeal and fervour of the students keep us motivated to work relentlessly for development activities of college.